Diet for stomach gastritis: menu for the day

what can you eat with stomach gastritis

Inflammation of the lining of the abdomen is uncomfortable and painful.

In addition to drug therapy, diet for gastritis is very important - "proper" food does not interfere with the walls, promotes epithelial regrowth and maintains disease remission.

What to eat for gastritis

There are many reasons why gastritis develops:

  • Improper diet, with a predominance of dry, spicy, hot foods;
  • An unbalanced diet;
  • Abuse of alcoholic beverages, soda;
  • Take certain medications that irritate the lining of the stomach

Before discussing what you can eat with gastritis and what you should avoid, you need to learn some basic principles of diet:

  1. Food must be regular. You can’t take a long break between mealtime, missed lunch or afternoon tea for reasons that can’t be replaced with a “double” dinner;
  2. For gastritis, fractional foods are indicated - in small portions at short intervals;
  3. If possible, do not mix solid and liquid foods; the first course must be separate from the second course. Liquid or satiety dishes are as easily digested;
  4. Food temperature should not be too high or low, warm food is absorbed optimally and does not irritate the stomach;
  5. The use of table salt should be minimized, and seasonings and spices should be abandoned altogether;
  6. Diet should be rich in vitamins, but fiber for gastritis patients is food that is too heavy;
  7. Cooked dishes are boiled (steamed) or boiled;

What can you eat with stomach gastritis

With high acidity

The purpose of a diet for gastritis with increased secretion of hydrochloric acid is to reduce acidity, neutralize it with the help of stomach contents.

  • Vegetable soup with pasta, rice. Vegetables are well boiled and channeled through a blender;
  • Milk soup with noodles or boiled cereal;
  • White (dry) bread yesterday made from wheat flour;
  • Meat - beef, lean lamb and pork, chicken, turkey, skinless rabbit, tendons. Roasted or steamed meats, pieces of minced meat, soufflés, meatballs, beef stroganoff (boiled meat) are allowed;
  • Dairy and non-acidic products from it - kefir, yogurt, cream, sour cream, cottage cheese (cheesecakes, casseroles), light cheese types;
  • Chicken, duck, quail eggs - boiled soft or in the form of omelets;
  • Porridge: semolina, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, in water or milk, viscous, enveloping, grains must be boiled and rubbed through a sieve;
  • Vegetables - boiled or stewed, mashed. Pumpkin, pumpkin, potatoes, beets, carrots, cauliflower, sparse tomatoes and green beans are allowed;
  • Fruits - neutral or sweet, bananas, sweet peeled apples (roasted), pears, ripe persimmons. Berries - just sweet, in the form of jelly, compote, fruit drinks, marshmallows, marmalade, jam;
  • As a snack, boiled tongue, liver pate, aspic from fish, red caviar, milk sausage and doctor sausage, forshmak, unsalted ham is allowed (simply! );
  • We recommend drinking sweet compote, lightly brewed tea (with milk, cream), weak coffee with milk, cocoa, jelly;
  • Salt-free butter, ghee, and refined vegetable oils are allowed.

Low acidity

During diagnosis, the purpose is to stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid. Unlike previous diets, in this case you can:

  • Cook soup in fish sauce and steep meat;
  • Eat sour vegetables and fruits;
  • Add salted canned food to food;
  • Give preference to fermented dairy products;
  • Drink sour juices - oranges, grapefruit, tomatoes, grapes;
  • Drink stationary mineral water

What not to eat with gastritis

With high acidity

what you can not eat with gastritis gastritis
  • Soup cooked in meat and fish soup, mushroom soup, cabbage soup, borsch, okroshka;
  • Fresh bread, pastries, pastries, puff pasta, rye bread and rye flour;
  • Fatty meats, poultry, smoked products from them;
  • Fatty and salty fish, canned fish;
  • Sour milk products, spicy cheese;
  • Boiled and boiled eggs;
  • Millet, barley, pearl barley, corn porridge;
  • Pasta, except noodles;
  • Beans, cabbage, rutabagas, radish, seams, cucumbers, spinach, onions; any vegetables in the form of pickles, pickles, pickles, canned; mushrooms;
  • Sour fruits - watermelon, pomegranate, grapes, peaches, citrus fruits, kiwi. Small berry seeds irritate the intestinal wall, so that it is eaten only in processed form. Dried fruit is not recommended;
  • Chocolate, ice cream;
  • Sauce, mustard, pepper, radish. Limited to vanillin, cinnamon, dill, parsley, garlic;
  • Peanuts - peanuts, hazelnuts;
  • Drink carbonated beverages, thick coffee, kvass bread.

Low acidity

Foods that cause fermentation in the stomach are prohibited:

  • milk, cream, sour cream;
  • candy, toast;
  • chocolate;
  • radish, garlic.

Opinion on the use of controversial watermelon: ripe sweet watermelon will not be harmful, but you can not abuse it, because the kidneys are also burdened, the risk of urolithiasis increases.

Daily menu for gastritis

Despite strict restrictions, it is possible (and necessary! ) to be healthy and tasty even when gastritis is getting worse. Recipes vary, the main thing is to show your imagination.

Example menu for the day:

  • Breakfast. Buckwheat porridge (mashed), scrambled eggs, tea with milk;
  • Second breakfast. Kissel, unleavened biscuits;
  • menu for the day with gastritis
  • Lunch. Fish soup with vegetables (in the second broth), beet caviar, steamed chicken meatballs, tea with milk;
  • Afternoon snack. Cottage cheese casserole with sour cream.
  • Dinner. Vermicelli with fish cake, rosehip broth;
  • Curd milk for the night.

If gastritis with low acidity, the menu should be varied with fruits, fermented dairy products.

Strict adherence to diet (table number 1) is required during the exacerbation period and the first two weeks after stopping the attack.

Then you can gradually incorporate supplements into your diet, carefully monitoring your well-being.